Morning Star Fire - Celtic Knot

Collection: Morning Star Fire - Celtic Knot

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Throughout history, Sun symbols have always been a powerful and universal representation of life, energy, and spirituality. Their presence in various cultures and belief systems have long endured as symbols of renewal, hope, vitality, and divinity.

Featured: Celtic Knot APPAREL

The ancient Celts are among the cultures that recognized the importance of the Sun and their rich mythology includes several distinct Sun-associated deities, such as Alaunus, Belenos (called the "Fair Shining One" or "The Shining God"), Lugh (whose name means "shining one" or "flashing light"), Grian, Áine, Étaín, Brigid ("Fire of Inspiration", "Fire of the Hearth" and "Fire of the Forge"), Olwen, and Sulis.

The sun gives rise to all life on Earth and we can find its various aspects personified by all these Celtic deities exhibiting will, wisdom, healing energy, and life-giving renewal.

Morning Star Fire

We revere the light that shines on us, warms us, and gives us life. That which allows us to see and allows us to be in this hallowed place. Eternally Benign Father, we thank you.

Dóiteáin Réalta Na Maidin

Tugaimid ómós don solas a lasann orainn, a théann muid, agus a thugann beatha dúinn. An rud a ligeann dúinn a fheiceáil agus a ligeann dúinn a bheith san áit naomh seo. A Athair neamhurchóideach, gabhaimid buíochas leat.

Teine Rionnag Na Maidne

Tha sinn a’ toirt urram don t-solas a tha a’ deàrrsadh oirnn, ga bhlàthachadh, agus a’ toirt dhuinn beatha. Sin a leigeas leinn fhaicinn agus a leigeas leinn a bhith san àite naomh seo. Gu sìorraidh Athair Benig, tha sinn a’ toirt taing dhut.